Thursday, December 6, 2018

Foreign Investor Interest in India’s Media and Entertainment Market

The holder of an MBA from Georgetown University, John Harrison of New Canaan, CT, is a global media and entertainment (M&E) leader at Ernst & Young. In his leadership capacity at EY, John Harrison was interviewed by the Economic Times of India about the opportunities nascent in the country’s M&E industry. 

The M&E market in India is huge. With over 180 million TV homes, a population of 1.3 billion, and a quickly-growing middle class, the market is extremely attractive to foreign investors. This is why there’s already plenty of foreign capital flowing into the country. In addition, the country’s densely populated cities and tech-savvy youth make the market vibrant and appealing. 

For foreign media companies seeking to join this market, their attention is on viable entry points. How does a company enter the market and scale quickly? Is there a channel that can be exploited to grow audiences exponentially without having to deploy significant assets into enabling infrastructure? These companies are looking for a lean way to avail their technology to the majority of Indian consumers for a much higher return on investment compared to other available opportunities. Those that find a way eventually invest.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

CES is right around the corner

An experienced financial services professional from New Canaan, CT, John Harrison serves at Ernst & Young (EY) in New York City, where he heads up the firm’s entertainment and global media division. In addition to his daily duties at EY, John Harrison attends trade events throughout the year and is a regular presence at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show is set for January 8-11 in Las Vegas. A number of technology and media executives will be leading discussions around the innovation and disruption taking place across all industries. In addition, be on the lookout for exciting launches of new technology and services that will influence the lives of consumers in the years ahead. Virtual and augmented reality, drones, connected devices of all types will be on display. For more information about the conference or to register for the event, visit

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Potential for Another NHL Lockout

A native of New Canaan, CT, John Harrison is an experienced investment banker who has managed Ernst & Young's (EY) global media and entertainment division since 2015. Beyond his professional pursuits, John Harrison enjoys watching hockey.

While there are other leagues to watch, the National Hockey League (NHL) might not start on time in 2019-20. The league had work stoppages during the 2004-05 and 2012-13 seasons and, although the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) doesn't expire until September 2022, both the NHL and NHL Players' Association have the right to terminate the labor pact in September 2019. While nothing is guaranteed, there could be a lengthy battle between both parties over issues like escrow payments, revenue, and the Olympics. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman proposed an extension of the current CBA through 2025 last year in exchange for the league allowing players to participate in the 2018 Olympics, but players rejected the deal. 

A sign that players might be anticipating a lockout is in the makeup of recently-awarded contracts. Star player Connor McDavid's recent contract extension is to be almost entirely paid in signing bonuses, meaning he will receive the majority of his paycheck even if the league and NHLPA engage in a lockout. Carey Price, Jamie Benn, Victor Hedman, and other star players have also signed similar bonus-heavy contracts to protect against a potential lockout.